After a Report is Made

So, what happens when you report? You will be discussing your concerns with a social worker who will ask questions to try to ascertain the level of danger for the student and to get more details regarding the student and their family and home situation. If the social worker deems that further investigation is needed, they will assign it to a Department of Child Safety (DCS) specialist who will investigate.

As a reporter, you may not know the outcome of any investigation.

DCS may provide services to the child or there may not be evidence to pursue further action. The results of the investigation are kept confidential.

Specific procedures may vary based on district or circumstance, but in general, the following actions will happen when a report is made:

  1. The educator calls
  2. The educator talks to the social worker
  3. The social worker gives the file to a case worker
  4. The case worker investigates

What happens

when you report?

educator on phone

1. Educator calls

educator talking to social worker - social worker has a clipboard in her hand

2. Educator talks to social worker

social worker handing files to case worker

3. Social worker gives file to case worker

case worker writing on paper next to his computer

4. Case worker investigates