Tip 5: Be Smart with Technology
Now more than ever, educators leverage technology as means of teaching and communicating with students. As a community educator, you will most likely use technology as part of your work with students as well. Schools are required by law (CIPA), to create filters that protect students from accessing inappropriate content on school issued devices. In addition, all schools will have faculty, staff, and students sign an acceptable use policy to work with school issued devices or to work on the school WI-FI. For example, when you use your device to login using the school’s WI-FI, you will be prompted to accept the terms.
In schools, technology such as cell phones should be used as a tool for learning
In addition to creating safe opportunities to work with technology, educators should model appropriate use of technology. For educators that means modeling when it is appropriate to use your cell phone and when it is not appropriate. It is appropriate to use your phone as a tool during a research project. It is not appropriate to use your cell phone to text or surf social media sites during instructional hours.